2025 Membership Renewal/Application Form
For organizational members (worker cooperatives):
Dues for start-up cooperatives are $50 for the first year.
For established worker cooperatives, dues are .05% of wages of local operations from the previous fiscal year, with a minimum of $100.
For affiliated organizations (democratically managed workplaces and organizations providing support to worker cooperatives):
For democratic workplaces, dues are .05% of wages from the previous fiscal year, with a minimum of $100.
For organizations providing support to worker cooperatives, dues are .05% of the amount of the organization’s budget that goes to support worker cooperatives (including development support, education, outreach, and funding), with a minimum of $125. For worker coop incubators, coops in the incubation process have access to the member benefits of the incubating organization. When those coops are fully launched they would then join as start-up cooperatives.
For individuals wishing to join MadWorC, dues are a sliding scale from $50-$500.
Benefits for Cooperatives:
- Send a member of your co-op to serve on MadWorC’s boad of directors
- Access to our co-op toolkits and resource library
- Receive a free training from our list of options, and a discounted rate on additional trainings
- Access to our peer support network for help with any issues your co-op is facing, and to help support other co-ops that would like to learn from you
- Access to any discounts that MadWorC is able to arrange with local cooperatives
- Pay your dues
- Share your written and video resources with MadWorC to share with others
- Optional: Participate in our peer support network by providing support and advice to other co-ops in Madison.
- Optional: Appoint a member of your co-op to the MadWorC board